The Clean, Drain, Dry campaign will educate recreational boaters to help stop the spread of harmful aquatic invasive species that can cling to watercraft and gear, or be transported in standing water, bilge water, bait buckets and coolers to new bodies of water. You can take the following actions:
- Understand the threats of aquatic invasive species.
- Learn to recognize aquatic invasive species and where to look for them.
- Clean, Drain and Dry watercraft, trailer, motors, and gear every time they are pulled out.
- Never move fish, animals, or plants from one waterbody into another.
- Report new sightings of aquatic invasive species.
- Help inform others about the threat of aquatic invasive species.
- Encourage your elected officials to support measures that prevent aquatic invasive species.
Canada's Invasive Species programs
- Drain water from bilge, live wells, bait buckets, trailer and wheels.
- Wash bait wells with hot water.
- Do not transport bait from an infested area!
- Rinse the hull with hot water, high-pressure washer or dry in the sun for 5 days.
- Flush the engine cooling system with hot water (140F).
- Carefully inspect screens and water intakes and drain pipes for mussels.
- Leave a boat out of the water for 3+ days in hot, dry weather to kill mussels
and larvae.