- Slow down - most planing hulls have two economical speeds, 'trawling' and level planing.
If you are creating a wake, you are probably wasting fuel. In calm conditions, record your boat speed at various RPM.
- Trim tabs can greatly reduce drag, which uses less fuel.
If your boat is not getting on step quickly or not running level, learn how to use them effectively.
- Gas up before/after trips at constant speed so you can calcalate gas mileage (miles per litre, litres per hour).
- Keep the hull bottom clean and free of critters and slime.
- Idle at the dock only long enough to warm up the engine. Get an oil temperature guage and follow the engine manual instructions.
- Match your engine size and propeller to your boat and its usage to use less fuel.
- Keep your engine tuned to use less fuel.
- Use the correct grade of gasoline recommended by your engine manual.
- Instead of running a generator for short cruises, use alternatives such as an icebox, thermos, or 12-volt converter. Or install a solar panel, wind generator or water generator.
I bet you already know all this. If you know even more tips, send them along and I'll add them. --Pat