Boating in Canada Archive

Top Insurance Claims

BoatU.S. Seaworthy Magazine January 2006

The newsletter from BoatU.S. Marine Insurance, reviewed five years of claims. The number of claims and dollar amounts were considered in compiling the list of the main causes of insurance claims.

Youtube Videos:
#1: Striking submerged objects
floating debris, rocks
#2: Sinking
failed hoses and clamps, outdrive bellows, clogged scuppers, clogged bilge pump.
#3: Fire and explosion
12-volt wiring, shorepower cord inlet corrosion, corroded exhaust manifolds, fuel leaks.
#4: Wind and weather
tying up securely, guarding against chafe and staying protected help reduce damage.
#5: Collisions
docks, pilings, other boats
#6: Grounding
what you do after hitting bottom often causes more damage
#7: Lightning
improper grounding, bad luck!
#8: Theft of boat
90% were on trailers
#9: Theft of equipment
outdrives, trailers, electronics, etc.